Monday 6 April 2015

Tips for Cosplaying + Special AOT Cosplay Tips

Hey Guys!
Today I'll be giving you 5 tips on cosplay and a few things to reassure you!
This based off experience and advice I've previously been given.
At the end of the post I'll link some helpful tutorials and other Bloggers/YouTubers!


1) Wigs.

How much are you actually willing to spend?
A wig can be super expensive, so it’s important to think about how much you’re willing to spend on one. At the very least, a good wig is going to cost about £10 - £15. If you’re not willing to spend at least that, you may wish to re-evaluate your cosplaying plans.

Do I need a high quality wig? It depends on your character. If your answer is 'Wear it naturally/ Ponytail/ Bunches' then probably not. However if you’re looking into doing things like spiking, curling, or anything else that requires extensive styling, something higher quality would be a better choice.

2) Make-Up

You need it. You may have clear skin, big eyes and long lashes but trust me, you will need make-up. I don’t care if you’re cosplaying a guy or if you are a guy, being in cosplay is akin to being on stage. Cameras have a tendency to bring out the flaws in people and when you're excited and your outfit's perfect, you don't want to find that you've all of a sudden got bags under your eyes. I recommend applying a foundation base, add concealer and then style your eyes.
  • Don’t overdo it.
  • Wear some form of base
  • While being in cosplay is like being on stage, you are not actually on stage and everyone can see you up close. Try not to be orange unless it's needed for your character!
  • Bring some essential to the con to top up your make-up.

In cosplay makeup, you really need to focus on your eyes, in which case you want to be wearing a nude or a pastel on your lips.
Test your makeup before the con.
Remember, if you're wearing circle lenses or coloured contacts, leave them in a solution!

3) Don't Forget to bring a change!

If you're wearing a cosplay that is heavy or maybe uncomfortable, try and find a casual cosplay of them, or just a casual outfit! Trust me it helps. Often, If I'm wearing a heavy armour character, I always bring a spare wig and casual clothes. This way, I can pretend I'm cosplaying a characters causal outfit.

4) Be Prepared for criticism.
Generally at cons people are polite, ask for a picture, maybe a hug and will compliment your effort. But there's always going to be that one person saying;
'Oh my God, Annie's in the Military not Survey Corps'
'Your wig is too dark!'
Screw them.
If you've worked hard and maybe couldn't afford the right jacket or the exact wig, then who cares? Cosplay shouldn't be a competition!(Unless you're entering the cosplay comp...)
Cosplay is for fun!!!
Now I'm not saying to retort back, just smile politely and say:
"Ah well, I couldn't find -item-, but thank you for the criticism! I'll work to improve it!"

5) Cost

Cosplay is indeed, an expensive hobby. Some cosplay can cost around £20 - £50 whereas some can cost £80 + Some people make their own, this can work both ways, it can save money but often works out more expensive than buying. Then again, you will have the pride of knowing you made your own costume. When buying online, make sure the price isn't too good to be true.

An now just a few things you should know.

It doesn't matter if you're big, round or curvy.
It doesn't matter if you're thin, flat or rectangular.
It doesn't matter if you're black, tanned or white.
It doesn't matter if you're young or old.
It doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl.
It doesn't matter if you want to crossplay.
You can cosplay. Ignore the haters, and do what you want to do!
Get creative, get into character have a laugh.
Have FUN!!!!

And a few quick bullet points for AoT/SnK Cosplay
  • Make sure you have your salute mastered!
  • Be prepared to spend ages in the toilet (If you have the belts)
  • Although staying in character is fun, please, if you are cosplaying Levi (or Alou) do not go around calling people 'Brats' or 'Shitty'. At least make sure they've seen the show first XD
  • If you are cosplaying a guy, prepare for people asking for romantic photos with another character. eg. JeanMarco, Ereri, Eruri, Eremin. Same goes for Ymir and Christa. Or any ships really...
  • Try not to give out manga spoilers!!!

Links to recommended YouTubers:


Plus her videos on GeekandSundry are very helpful!


(Great if you want to see how to get into character/plus ideas for skits)

UK Sites to get Cosplay:  Be careful for scams!

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